WHA are having an open day on Sunday the 23rd March. It is open to everyone to come and give Hockey a go. See the poster below.
Do you want to try out a fantastic sport played all over the world from primary school level all the way through to 60+ years for FREE?
Plan for the Day
10.30am – 11.30am Year 0-4 (Funstick introduction to hockey)
11.30am – 12.30pm Year 4-8 (FlickSticks Skills and drills)
12.30-2.30pm Secondary and Adult Festival of hockey
Throughout the day there will be information desks set up for players, parents, coaches and umpires so you can ask as may questions as you like.
Spare equipment will be available for use. ! No previous experience is required.
There is entertainment for the whole family. Come along and make a day of it. Our canteen will be open for food and drinks.
Waikato Hockey
Queens Ave
Innes Common
Contact waikatohockey@xtra.co.nz for further information.