Jack Clayton showing a group of enthusiastic players how to use a hockey stick.

2015 6-a-side Winter Hockey Competition


The Waikato Hockey Association is again offering the winter 6-a-side competition after two successful seasons. Hopefully there will be two graded divisions again.


The league is a senior 6-a-side competition played on half a turf, on a Thursday evening.  It is intended to be an easy entry level competition for adults (sorry no school students) who are new or returning to the sport, particularly aimed at:

1.  Adults who have not played before,
2.  Adults who are returning to hockey after having not played for a few or many years,
3.  Adults who are unable to commit to weekend 11-a-side play,
4.  Social players who have played Summer League 6-a-side and would like to continue through the winter,
5.  Masters teams.

The 6-a-side games will be played across half a full sized turf, with half the number of players (6 instead of 11).

Games will be played on Thursday evenings between 6 and 8pm.

If you are new to the sport or need reminding of the rules then you can find an introduction to Hockey on the FIH website – Hockey 101. Special rules for the 6-a-side hockey competition are below.

  • Still interested? – great, register a team or as an individual looking for a team. Email secretary@frasertechhockey.org.nz if you have any further inquiries.
  • Still not sure?  Come along anyway on the first night for a “have a go” coaching session on Thursday 19th March at 6pm.
Jack Clayton showing a group of enthusiastic players how to use a hockey stick.
Jack Clayton runs through the fundamentals of how to hold and use a hockey stick properly in a coaching session for new 6-a-side players.

First Night – 19th March, 6pm

The first night on the 19th March will be a coaching night as well as sorting individuals into teams. There will be some sticks available for this evening so players can use them to have a go and see if they enjoy it.

Complete teams may enter or individuals may enter and they will be sorted into club based teams. Fraser Tech entered three teams last year and will look to do the same this year.

The last game (Finals) will be played on the 20th of August, making a total of 22 weeks of Hockey.


Adult 6-a-side hockey is a game of modified field hockey. Current 11-a-side field hockey rules apply except as detailed below.

  • Each team shall consist of six field players, mixed gender.
  • There must be two females for each team on the field at all times. (new in 2014)
  • Each team may have up to four interchange players (substitutes).
  • There are no goal keepers.
  • The game will be played on a 1/2 field (cross wise). A flexible drain pipe will be placed between the two fields and will become the sideline board. The other sideline will be the 11-a-side field baseline.
  • At no time is the ball to be lifted above knee height.
  • Penalty corners shall be defended by three players. The other 3 players must retire to the opposition’s circle for the start of the penalty corner.
  • There are no penalty strokes. Penalty corners will replace penalty strokes.
  • The game will consist of two 20 minute halves, separated by a 5 minute half time.

These rules are slightly different to the summer hockey 6-a-side rules, particularly with respect to penalty and long corners.
Games will be social but scores will be kept to enable some competition. If enough entries are received there will be 2 grades.